Photo of Edward Telleria Dominican Republic

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39.37 x 23.62 in
23.62 x 35.43 in
47.24 x 24.02 in
24.02 x 47.24 in
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Photo of Edward Telleria Dominican Republic



Born in Santo Domingo, in 1974, Dominican Republic.

Graduate School of Fine Arts, in to areas of sculpture, painting, drawing, and printmaking.

Performed post-graduate studies in the specialty of painting, achieving the highest rating given Andalus "> or n of I ng

1995 and 1996 under the supervision or n Prof. Leopoldo Pérez ESA.


1995-1996 Painting tutor, Santo Domingo, DR

1996-1997 Lecturer in Creative Workshops children's Directorate "Arial", "sans-serif"; mso-bidi-font-family: Andalus; "> or n-General for Culture (SEEBAC)

1996-1997 Art Institute professor or Prof. Calder n; San Crist bal or. RD

Professor of Art, t a + custom technology, Santo Domingo, DR

1998 Drawing Professor the MUDIC, Santo Domingo, DR

2001 Competition Jury and Painting Children's Literature Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI)

mso-layout-grid-align: none "> BIENNIAL EXHIBITIONS AND FESTIVALS

1990 No exhibition or end ng or National School of Fine Arts (ENBA), Santo Domingo, DR

1991 No exhibition or end ng or National School of Fine Arts (ENBA), Santo Domingo, DR

1992 No exhibition or end ng or National School of Fine Arts (ENBA), Santo Domingo, DR

1993 Exhibition or to order n "Arial", "sans-serif"; mso-bidi-font-family: Andalus; "> ñ or National School of Fine Arts (ENBA), Santo Domingo, DR

1994 "D í a National Artist to Pl stico" Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes (ENBA), Santo Domingo, RD 1994 exhibition font-family: "Arial", "sans-serif"; mso-bidi-font-family: Andalus; "> or n the end of the year in the National School of Fine Arts (ENBA), Santo Domingo, DR

1995 Or n exhibition of Sacred Art in the parish of St. Vincent de Paul, Santo Domingo, DR

1995 Competition Icnogr traffic to "Juan Gabriel Perboyre", Santo Domingo, DR

1995 Competition Icnogr to traffic Juan Gabriel Perboyre, parish St. Vincent de Paul.

none "> 1995 EXHIBITION n ng end or National School of Fine Arts (ENBA), Santo Domingo, DR

EXHIBITION 1996 font-family: Andalus; "> n ng-end or National School of Fine Arts (ENBA), Santo Domingo, DR

Agro Business Competition 1996 II. Santo Domingo, DR

Agro Business Competition 1997 III Santo Domingo, DR

justify; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none "> 1997 "COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION" Colegio Dominicano de Artistas Pl to STIC (CODAP).

1998 XXI National Biennial of Visual Arts in Santo Domingo, DR

text-align: justify; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none "> 1998 Creative Workshop or young artists J "Street Art 98" Santo Domingo.

Agro Business Competition IV 1999 Santo Domingo, DR

1999 Contest to traffic Icnogr San Vicente de Paul and Charity.

Total Art Festival 1999, Jarabacoa.RD

2000 Collective exhibition or n All Member of "Colegio Dominicano de Artistas Pl to STIC (CODAP). 2000 Traces of Art to LINE FANTASY Dominican Pl, permanent mural, Aala Justo Susana Museum of Dominican Man, Santo Domingo, DR

2000 Africa Perception mso-bidi-font-family: Andalus; "> or n Cimarrona, UNESCO house Santo Domingo 2000 Foundation or n Guayasamin, Quito Ecuador.

2000 United Nations, ALAI Afrocimarron, Caribbean Festival of Santiago de Cuba. 2001 Eight Artists in Madrid, Espa ñ font-family: Andalus; "> a.

2002 "Composition 10" Artistas Dominicanos, Curacao. 2002 Classic Caribbean Art Gallery & Studio, Erosxwek Nanosmek.

2002 Determinant, or n parallel exhibition of the Fourth Biennial Caribbean CODAP.

2002 "Painting Peace" painting of the Americas home theater., Santo Domingo, DR

2003 Or n Collective exhibition "Homage Milan Serum and Ramon Oviedo, Dominican School of Artists Pl mso-bidi-font-family: Andalus; "> á STIC (CODAP), Santo Domingo, DR

2003 Artists Space between Pl to appliances, Pedro Mir Forum, Book I to Cuesta Santo Domingo, DR 2004 "Perspectives", Selection "Arial", "sans-serif"; mso-bidi-font-family: Andalus; "> or n of Honor. Santo Domingo, DR

2004 "Views of Mega Center" first MENCI or n, Santo Domingo, DR

2004 Joint contemporary Visual Art á neo "Long Play", UNESCO Headquarters, Santo Domingo, RD 2004 COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION Art Center "Maria La O" San Pedro de Macor í s. RD

2004 Meeting Artists Art Galer y. "Baret", Santo Domingo, DR

2005 Meeting of Artists' Foundation or n Almonte ", Santo Domingo, DR

2004 Collective CODAP artists for close to field N a, Santo Domingo, DR

2004 collected directly from the Dominican College Dominican artists, CODAP, Santo Domingo, DR Collective 2004 "Homage to and Guillo Perez Candido Bido Museum of the Dominican Family of the nineteenth century, Casa de Tostado, Santo Domingo, DR 2004 Art Studio, Edward Telleria, Santo Domingo, DR

justify; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none "> 2004 Meeting of Artists Pl to appliances, Ramon Sandoval Art Workshop, Santo Domingo, DR

2005 EXHIBITION No Traveling Francisco International Nader, Latin American Art, Santo Domingo, DR, 2006 exhibition "Arial", "sans-serif"; mso-bidi-font-family: Andalus; "> or n Collective, Boulevard de la 27, Santo Domingo, DR


text-indent:-0.5in; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none "> 1997 N Individual First EXHIBITION "Reflections of the Soul", Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes (ENBA), Santo Domingo, DR

1997 "Desire" Benetton Café, Central Plaza. Santo Domingo, DR

2000 "Only For Thinkers " Colegio Dominicano de Artistas Pl to STIC (CODAP), Santo Domingo, DR 2001 Palma Cana, Santo Domingo, DR

2002 College Bar, Santo Domingo. RD

2004 "Experience Taina" 31 Anniversary, Museum of Dominican Man. Santo Domingo, RD

2006 "Tribute to the Ego", Museo de las Casas Reales, Santo Domingo, DR

2007 "Welcome back Dominican Republic Artist" Cortile Gallery, Provincentown, MA, USA.

2008 "The Rose and Beasts" Fundacion Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) Santo Domingo, DR

Andalus ">


1994 Liptografia First Prize, National School of Fine Arts, Santo Domingo, DR

1995-1996 First Prize separation or No Country, Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santo Domingo, DR

1995 Certificate Icnogr contest to traffic Parroquia San Vicente de Paul Santo Domingo, DR

1996 Certified National Council of Private Schools, publisher Santillana, SA Santo Domingo, DR

1996 No certificate or General Directorate of Fine Arts, Santo Domingo, DR

1998 Dominican Agribusiness Board Certified, Inc. (JAD).

2004 Certificate, Menci painting contest or No Mega View Center, Santo Domingo, DR

none "> 2004 Regional Center Certificate Maria la O, San Pedro de Macor í s, RD

2004 Certificate CE-woman ", Santo Domingo, DR

2004 Certificate Foundation or n Jorge Ario / No Foundation or Laser Center, National Painting Contest, "Look 2004", Santo Domingo, RD, member of the International Association of Artists or n Pl á stico (IAA) UNESCO, Santo Domingo, DR

1999-2001 Board member of CODAP

2002-2004 Vice President of CODAP

2005 Adviser to the President of CODAP

2007 CERTIFICATE Dominican Republic, Artist. Cortile Gallery, Provincentown, MA, USA.

mso-layout-grid-align: none ">


Encyclopedia of the arts to LINE FANTASY pl Dominican Ger Candido font-family: "Arial", "sans-serif"; mso-bidi-font-family: Andalus; "> ion, Santo Domingo, DR

Supplement Artemira of Cable TV Guide magazine (various publications), Santo Domingo, DR

Portrait of the arts to pl Dominican LINE FANTASY by Duba Cruz, Santo Domingo, DR

mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none "> Reflection of the Soul in the Painting of Edward Telleria, by Marianela Jimenez, Santo Domingo, DR

Edward Telleria Paint by: Leopoldo Perez (ESA)

"Reflections of the Soul" by: Orlando Ramos, Peri or doctor El Siglo, Santo Domingo, DR

mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none ">" Desire ", by Cristina Light, or peri dico La Naci ion, (1997), Santo Domingo, DR

An artist with great responsibilities, Silvestre Clara,! Writer living today!, RD

Andalus "> Magazine ARTEP, Santo Domingo, DR

Arts Magazine, Santo Domingo, DR

Review the point, home theater,

Peri or doctor Today, Santo Domingo, DR

Andalus "> Peri or doctor El Nacional, Santo Domingo, DR

Peri or doctor The Listin Diario, Santo Domingo, DR

Peri or font-family: Andalus; "> dico El Caribe, Santo Domingo, DR

Peri or doctor El Siglo, Santo Domingo, DR

Peri or doctor Diario Libre, Santo Domingo, DR

11pt; font-family: Andalus ">

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